Odense Robotics Newsletter
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Business strengthened through virtual support

Business strengthened through virtual

and augmented support

Photo: Jorgensen Engineering and AVATOUR.
How do you generate sales and maintain customer support during the Corona crisis? For Jorgensen Engineering and Gain & Co, two companies in the cluster, the answer was: virtual reality and augmented reality. With the lockdown still affecting the industry, virtual support and augmented support are ways of strengthening your business and staying competitive.
Business strengthened through virtual support
3D assistance during the crisis

3D assistance during the crisis

Photo: DK Makers mod Corona and Mikkel Viager.
During the crisis, the need for protective gear in Denmark has only increased, especially for the health care sector. A volunteer movement “DK Makers mod Corona” arose as an effect of this and has produced more than 60,000 visors so far. Previously a makerspace, the movement now counts around 2,500 volunteers nationwide, including representatives from Odense Robotics cluster companies such as Ztove and Gain & Co. 
3D assistance during the crisis

New subsidy programme - CoronaGenstart

The Danish business hubs have launched the subsidy programme “CoronaGenstart”, which can provide companies with DKK 25,000 in direct subsidies to prevent the negative consequences of the crisis and boost company turnovers.
Odense Robotics - events
Photo: Colourbox.com
Several events have been cancelled due to COVID-19, but new events are on the way. Stay informed on our website. We are also pleased to announce that next year R-21, the largest robotics, automation and drone fair in the Nordic countries, will take place in Odense! Learn more below.
Odense Robotics - events
Optimism at Beckhoff
 Metal Supply
SICK develops smallest industrial UHF RFID device of its kind
     Electronic Supply
01.05.20: Replanning at KOBOTS, Fyens
01.05.20: UVD Robots arrive at superhospital in Canada, Montreal Gazette 
The Odense Robotics newsletter is sent out twice a month. 
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