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Odense Robotics - Frontier for Robotics technologies
New report published by Odense Robotics
Robotics cluster grows to more than 3,000 employees  
New figures published in a report today show that the robotic and automation cluster in and around Odense is growing faster than expected – and can expect strong growth in the future.
The size of the workforce now totals 3,200 people, a figure companies had expected to reach in 2020. In addition, the cluster has grown to 120 companies, with a high proportion of young companies and startups.
The new figures are published today in the report ‘Leading the industrial revolution’ by Odense Robotics, the first of its kind to compile in-depth data on the cluster’s development. 
“The figures in this report speak for themselves. The cluster of robot and automation companies in and around Odense is growing – faster than expected. And has significant untapped potential. Given the rapid growth, the high number of new companies and a booming global market, I am sure that we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg as far as growth is concerned,” says Mikkel Christoffersen, Business Manager, Odense Robotics.
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What can you expect from Odense Robotics – this year and towards 2020
Odense Robotics works to accelerate growth and innovation in the robot and automation cluster in and around Odense. What will Odense Robotics focus on this year? And what are the goals for 2020?
Mikkel Christoffersen, Business Manager of Odense Robotics, gives his take on what's in store. He shares his key landmarks from 2017, explains the new vision and talks about an increased focus on recruitment this year.     
World’s biggest Counter-Strike event fuels record traffic on Job Bank  
Record traffic to the Job Bank. A flurry of unsolicited applications. And the chance to meet a new pool of potential employees. That’s just some of the results from recruitment activities at the e-sport event in December. 
More than 20 companies and education institutions joined forces to stage an interactive event at the world’s biggest Counter-Strike tournament with one goal: to showcase careers in Funen’s robotic and automation industry. The team effort paid off.
This year, Odense Robotics will increase its focus on recruitment and employer branding. Activities include an upskilling programme and a recruitment campaign developed in close collaboration with companies in the cluster.
Contact Henrik Brændstrup (21597760) or Lara Isabelle Weber (30713324), to learn how you can be part of the initiatives and recruit your next employee.