Odense Robotics Newsletter
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Where robots meet e-sport
Photo: Odense Municipality.
Test a robot and get a taste of what it’s like to work within robotics, drones and automation. That’s the message behind next week’s robotics exhibition, which aims to showcase careers to e-sports and tech enthusiasts from across Denmark and internationally. Many Odense Robotics companies are taking part in what is set to be a spectacular event with lots of opportunities for potential candidates to experience robots and drones first hand.

The Road to Odense exhibition takes place 7-9 December at Odense Congress Center as part of ODINCON, one of Northern Europe’s largest e-sport events. Last year 20,000 people visited ODINCON, 75% Danes and 25% visitors from abroad, and this year the number is expected to reach 30,000. The exhibition is open to everyone interested in robots, IT and technology and is an ideal way to explore career opportunities in the field.
“This is Odense Robotics’ second year participating in ODINCON. It’s a great opportunity for our companies to scout for new employees as most of the participants have an interest in technology. It’s also an ideal way for companies to showcase their products and increase the visibility of our robotics and automation cluster nationally and internationally,” says Mikkel Christoffersen, Business Manager at Odense Robotics.
Odense Robotics is exhibiting with even more companies than last year – no fewer than 13 robot, automation and drone companies, as well as Technology Denmark, International Community Odense, Børnene i Robotbyen, Studiebyen Odense and Elev i Odense Kommune on the shared The Road to Odense stand.
Denmark still speeding ahead
Photo: IFR World Robotics Industrial Robots 2018 report.
IFR World Robotics recently released their annual report on industrial robots that once again places Denmark in the top 6.
According to IFR, Denmark is among the top 6 globally when it comes to robot density in the manufacturing industry in Europe, only surpassed by Germany and Sweden. Our robot density is 230 units, the number of installed industrial robots per 10,000 employees in the manufacturing industry, compared to Sweden’s 240 units and Germany’s 322.
Globally, the record was broken for the fifth consecutive year in the worldwide supply of industrial robots, with 381,335 units in 2017. This is 30% more than the 2016 supply. Most countries are enjoying a growth in this area, but none more than China. In 2017, China had the highest level of annual industrial robot supply ever recorded for a single country when their numbers reached 137,900 units sold; an increase of 59% compared to 2016. One of the key focus areas in China’s “Made in China 2025” plan is robotics, and state incentives for the use of industrial robots - from both domestic and international manufacturers - continue to grow. More than every third robot worldwide is installed in China.
Improving global talent recruitment
Photo: Pixabay.
The new project ‘Moving Global Talent’ aims to make it easier for robot and automation companies on Funen to recruit, onboard and retain highly-qualified talent from abroad. How? By creating a comprehensive toolbox for companies to help them make the transition for a new international employee smooth and successful.
 1. Why is this project important? What difference can it make?
Many companies struggle to attract, onboard and retain highly-qualified international talent. And yet many companies need to recruit from abroad because they can’t find the qualified candidates in Denmark. So there’s an urgent need to make it easier for companies to succeed with this recruitment challenge, which is absolutely central for their growth.
2. What’s the project about?
The project ‘Moving Global Talent’ is targeted at companies in Denmark that already have international employees or do not yet but would like to.
The project will consist of two parts: Odense Robotics has now a dedicated person who will – in a close dialogue with the companies – identify the overall needs of the robotics and automation companies on Funen when recruiting international talent as well as what challenges they encounter when onboarding. Work Live Stay will focus on the other part of the project: the individual needs of 16 enrolled companies in Denmark.
New companies in the cluster
Meet Odense Robotics' Robot Hero of the Month - Lars Nydam, Head of Automation Solutions, Jorgensen Engineering.
"The best part of the job is seeing a smile on a customer's face," says Lars. Jorgensen Engineering is a global processing equipment supplier and a company in the Odense Robotics cluster. In the video below, Lars describes how automation solutions at Jorgensen Engineering increase the efficiency of processed food production. His task is to help design the control setup for the machines.
5/12: BigBang Conference, Odense.
7-9/12: ODINCON, Odense.
7/12: Talent Attraction, Odense.
13/12: Robot codes in the cloud, Odense.  
23/10 Lars Tvede on the robot wave & Odense Robotics, Børsen
25/10 Henrik Anker, Gibotech wins Best Company Owner and Leader on Funen, TV2 Fyn
29/10 Odense Robotics as a cluster, TechSavvy
1/11 Lorenz Technology: finalist for the IværksætterOdense award 2018, Erhverv Fyn
1/11 MiR wins the EY award Entrepreneur of the Year 2018, Fyens.dk 
2/11 The government and coalition party: investing in robotics research, TV2 Fyn
13/11 Universal Robots hires 20+ ex-Rethink Robotics employees, Fyens.dk
14/11 Universal Robots wins the Digital Gazelle 2018, TV2 Fyens 
20/11 Inwatec wins Apprenticeship Employer of the Year 2018, Inwatec 
26/11 Scape Technologies - now on the stock market, Børsen
New companies in the cluster
Quickchange dual toolbase. Part of UR+ solutions.
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